Learn More About our Online Bachelor's Degrees & Courses

A bachelor's degree is the most common type of degree given out by most post-secondary schools, colleges and universities. Bachelors degrees usually denote the completion of a four year (or in some cases, five or six year) degree programs. A bachelor's degree is almost universally needed to go on to higher degree levels such as masters and doctorate degrees.

The schools offered here at Earn a College Degree have a wide range of online bachelor's degrees for you to choose from. AIU Online offers a myriad of programs, including international business, human resources, computer forensics, web design, internet security, and much more. Kaplan University Online offers bachelor degrees in health care, network administration, paralegal studies, corporate law, and accounting just to name a few. Capella University Online also offers a wide variety of courses, including project management, accounting, health informatics and criminal justice.

Each of these online campuses offer you the flexibility needed to get your degree in your own time. They also offer experienced instructors with years of experience in their fields, so you know you are getting top-notch instruction. Whether a bachelor's degree is the desired end of your collegiate career, or part of a longer degree program that includes master's and doctorate degrees, a bachelor's degree from an accredited and experienced university will help you on your way to your personal and professional goals.

Take a look at all of the bachelor's degree programs we offer on our online universities. We are sure that once you peruse all of our online degree programs, you will find exactly the program you need to satisfy your needs.